November 29 2021 - 00:00UTC

Rust is a big and complex language. Fortunately, it contains a number of interesting sublanguages for which formal verification is more manageable. I will give an overview of three projects that we are working on in my group.

ConCert is a Coq framework for reasoning about functional programs, in particular focussing on smart contracts. As part of this we have developed a general backend to the Coq proof assistant which allows one to generate provably correct functional rust programs. One main use case is to generate rust smart contracts which can be used on the concordium blockchain.

HACSPEC is a subset of rust for the specification of high assurance cryptography. We have used it to specify the BLS elliptic curve. This sepcification can be translated to Coq from where we use fiat-cryptography and BedRock to generate a correct by construction, efficient, platform independent implementation.

Bas Spitters EventBrite.

Find the YouTube video here.